The Covenant of Moses: The Greater Glory!

Read Ezra 3:7-13; Haggai 2:1-9

Last time, we found out that the Jews initially failed to put first things first in building the temple and instead focused on settling in other towns and establishing their own homes.  God cursed them and prevented them from prospering in their own endeavors.  Fortunately, they listened to the words of the prophet Haggai and put forth the work towards rebuilding the temple.  Within a month, they had laid the foundation of the temple and as would be expected, had a ceremony commemorating  the event.  The generation who had been born in captivity was very happy and celebrated their accomplishment, but the older generation who had been taken as captives from Jerusalem and managed to live long enough to be able to return, were stricken with a tremendous amount of sadness and cried when they saw the results of their work.

Why the mixed reaction?  Well, the older generation knew what Solomon’s Temple looked like before it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar’s army.  It was the most glorious structure that had ever been created and it’s magnificence was in accordance to the One Whose presence occupied the Most Holy Place.  But the Hebrews sinned and violated the temple in every way imaginable, thus God allowed it to be destroyed with the rest of the city.   Now, the older generation is looking upon a foundation of a temple that would be far inferior in splendor to Solomon’s Temple and all they can do is grieve over what their past sins had caused to happen.  No doubt, they saw what little in their eyes they had accomplished as a sign that their relationship with God could never be the same again.

God doesn’t leave his people to remain in despair.  He sends Haggai again, this time not to reprimand a people who earlier failed to put their focus on their work to rebuild the temple, but to encourage them that all is not hopeless.  God reminds them that he is still faithful and still with them as He has been since He led their ancestors out of Egypt according to the covenant He made with at Sinai!  God doesn’t end there. In fact, He says the glory of this house under construction will exceed the glory of Solomon’s Temple!  Whoa!  How is that possible?  The glory of the Lord that entered into that temple was so bright and awesome it forced the priests to leave the building during the dedication ceremony.  Plus so many structures around that temple was constructed with gold and this one wasn’t!  What did God mean when He said that?

God’s plan always was to reveal Himself fully to the world and the Hebrew nation at this time was the vehicle through which He was working through.  As we learned a couple of posts ago,  it was through this nation that the Messiah would appear!  But that couldn’t happen with  a city and a temple in ruins.  The tabernacle in the wilderness was erected because God WANTED to dwell amongst people!  The temple Solomon built to house the tabernacle was built for the same purpose. The brightness of God’s glory inhabited the Most Holy Place in both instances.  While God was ever-present amongst His people, access to him was restricted because the glory of God’s presence would only destroy His people if it came upon them unveiled.  Now God plans to do the same thing but this time the temple will be graced by the presence of God who will take on humanity, Jesus Christ!  That is how Haggai’s prophecy would be fulfilled.  The arrival of the greater glory would shake the nations and people in need would find the peace they had been seeking from God!

Food for thought:  Restoring a relationship to the Lord isn’t easy.  When we attempt to rebuild that relationship and recover from the mess we brought upon ourselves because of our pas sins, it can seem that we can never get back to where we were before in our relationships with God and others.  But the words of the prophet still resonate today.  Don’t give up!  It isn’t easy but the Lord is always ready to restore His people in many ways when we come back to Him in full repentance.  While we may lament what we lost in the past, He can not only heal us but bless in ways in the future that will exceed what we had in the past!

Up next:  Now Satan decides to show up…


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